Our new course on Udemy has been published on January the 31st, 2022. The link will lead you to the course with “current best price” in your region. If the price is too high, try applying our coupon code TPOT_FEB22 in February 2022 (and later TPOT_MAR22 in March, TPOT_APR22 in April, and so on).
This link will lead you to the list with the content of the course (the titles of all the videos, the texts of all the problems solved during the course).
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- Hania Uscka-Wehlou on New code, very low price
Does Hania offer courses in Calculus 1, 2 ?
Not yet, but they’re in the planning. Calculus 1 may come late 2022 or early 2023, with Calculus 2 after that. This year we’ll be making Precalculus 2, 3 and 4. (Precalculus 1 is already done, just waiting for approval by Udemy.)
Hi Jonathan,
Here is our “master plan” for the nearest future:
As you can see, we plan both Calculus 1 and 2, but first the Precalculus series.
Kind regards,
Hi Hania/Martin
I am very excited about the new course, been eagerly awaiting it. I am experiencing an issue when clicking on the link to the course and I get a brief view of a message saying ‘This course is in draft mode’ and I am not redirected to the course but instead to Udemy’s main page.
Additional question I have is – do you have a very rough estimate of when the next part of the course is going to be ready (want to plan my time). Looking at the posting history it seems it takes about 3-4 months to do a course. Does this sound more or less right? and if so is that also going to be the case for the next one?
All the best
The course is submitted to Udemy, but they seem to take their time approving it. So maybe today, maybe in a few days.
And yes, we also think that we’ll publish new courses every 3 months or so.
Hi Adrian,
I am so sorry that you lost your time on this zero-operation…
We submitted the course yesterday afternoon and I was SO SURE that it would be approved within hours: it was like this for the previous courses, except for the very first one for which they took their time (which is logical, as they didn’t know us back then). I felt so confident in this assumption, that I published the links. And: surprise: they came back with some strange remarks (like that we have to remake our course image because there is text on it; but the image is of the same type as in all our approved and published courses!).
We replied to their 3 remarks (the other two were also strange) and I am waiting very impatiently…
I promise to let you know as soon as I get the message that the course is published.
Thank you for your patience, and one more time: sorry that I kind of misled you… It was not on purpose.
Kind regards,
One more thing: here is our “master plan” for the nearest future:
Hi Adrian,
Martin sent you yesterday the info that the course is published. Later, he worked with the site (which he is moving and improving) and his comment disappeared. I hope that you got a notification on your e-mail.
If not, please, use the following discount code for the course:
Kind regards,
Hi Hania
I know you because you are eager to learn math to apply it to life, although my mother langue is not English, but I love it and want to learn it, what I like about the course is when you start new problems, you always start with their geometrical meaning, when you solve problems and exercises always have graphs right next to them, this helps to understand the geometrical sense of what we’re doing.
After understanding math, exercises and detailed video solutions are necessary for practice, but there are not many exercise videos in the course.
Besides calculus and linear algebra, statistical probability is indispensable in life, do you have any plans for a course on statistical probability?
Hi My Cool,
It is nice to hear that you like my courses! Thank you for telling me about it. For me, English is a foreign language, too, but it is great to use it, so that students from the entire world can watch, listen, and understand what I am explaining.
You are absolutely right, one needs practice while studying maths. This is why all my courses contain really a lot of videos with solved problems. These problems are listed on an outline the students get in the introduction video. For example:
Precalculus 1
Linear Algebra and Geometry 1
Linear Algebra and Geometry 2
Each student can choose the problems from this list and decide for themselves if they want to solve the problems on their own, or watch me solving the problems. Generally, my solutions presented in the videos are very detailed; I usually explain each and every step. If some steps are missing (it can happen, of course), my students are always welcome to ask me via Q&A, and then they get more explanation about the topics they ask about. I usually answer the same day (with a correction for possible time differences).
Right now, I have no plans for a statistical probability course.
Here you can see our plans for the nearest future.
I wish you all the best for your studies!
Kind regards,
Hi Hania
It is great to know you
I am looking forward to the course of calculus 1 and 2, is it possible for me to study calculus 3 directly without having knowledge background of calculus 1 and 2?
Hi My Cool,
You definitely need some background in Calculus 1+2 in order to be able to follow Calculus 3.
In a way, Calculus 3 is “easier” than Calculus 1+2, because the burden of proofs lies in Calculus 1+2. Calculus 3 relies on the theory and practice from Calculus 1+2.
There are some parts of Calculus 3 which can be understood without knowing Calculus 1+2, like for example the theory of conic sections (circles, ellipses, parabolas, hyperbolas), description of sets in the plane, or surfaces in the 3-space. (This is discussed in the beginning of Calculus 3, part 1 of 2), but Calculus 3, part 2 of 2 cannot be studied without the (at least basic) knowledge about integration.
So, I would rather wait with Calculus 3 🙂
Kind regards,
Hi Hania
It is so nice to discover your courses. I love the way you explain the process of solving problems as well as the foundation of theories in the deepest possible manner.
I do not remember much of Math at pre-calculus level … being 35 years far from high school. I hope you can recommend any route to advanced Math.
1. Should I start only with one course – the precalculus course?
2. Are you going to offer also Calculus 1, 2 later on?
3. Which course covers the necessary trigonometry material?
Let me thank you many times for the wonderful educational work you are presently doing for all of us that has “bad” Math teachers in the past.
Best regards,
Jonathan (Århus, Denmark)
Hi Jonathan,
Thank you for your kind message. It is really a lot of fun to make the courses, and appreciation shown by students makes it even better.
You can start with Precalculus 1, as it contains a lot of repetition from high school, which can be a good thing after 35 years. Linear Algebra and Geometry 1 is on a slightly higher level, but it is not much more difficult. You can try this one, too. If you discover that you need more explanation about any subject, you can always ask me via Q&A on Udemy; I will be happy to assist you in your studies.
The other courses are more difficult, so it is best to start with these two for a warm-up.
Right now I am working on a course on polynomials. This will be also on a basic level. Right now, I don’t have any course on trigonometry, but it should be published before the end of 2022 (it will be my third precalculus course). You don’t need trigonometry for Precalculus 1, though.
Calculus 1 and 2 are planned for 2023. So you have plenty of time for getting up to speed.
Keep studying!
Kind regards,
Hania (Uppsala, Sweden)
When will the Precalculus 2 be released?
We’re thinking end of May or beginning of June.
Hi Martin,
Is this still looking like the case? Do you know if it will be the 1st or 2nd week of June?
Thanks so much for both of your hard work, these courses are so well produced.
It’s looking more like second half of June. Sorry about that.
But it’s going to be epic, Hania says. 🙂
No worries, thank you!
Thank you.
This is great content, thanks for providing such high quality instruction. A couple future requests since I know the roadmap is already laid out for a few years. Courses on probability and statistics. Mathematical statistics too. These are such important courses and linear algebra + calculus would feed into thos subjects well I think. An of course, would love Hanna’s treatment of the topic, too.
Thanks for all you do.
Hi Tim,
Thank you for your kind words!
Indeed, Statistics and Probability will have to wait… I really want to create all the courses in “pure mathematics” first. Teaching pure mathematics is my main super power; don’t know yet if I also have super powers in more applied subjects 😉
Kind regards,
Dear Hania
In the linear algebra courses, some advanced topics are missing for example: “Matrix Decompositions, and Tensors and Multilinearity”, I think these are very necessary, could please update your linear algebra course to add the new section with advanced topics, I hope that you will plan to do this at least in the first quarter of next year.
Thanks so much!
my kun
Dear My Kun,
Thank you for this suggestion. I will definitely keep it in mind. However, I cannot do this you suggest during the next year, as my time is entirely planned for the next 2–3 years. My LAG3 course discusses SVD, and LAG2+3 discuss spectral decomposition of matrices. This is more than what is required for linear algebra courses on undergraduate level, at least in Sweden. My plan is to begin with the (almost) entire university program on undergraduate level. Later, I will gladly expand on higher levels.
BTW, my most advanced courses (LAG3 and Calculus 3) attract students at a very slow rate. As I have given up my job at the university in order to create courses for Udemy, I must first concentrate on more popular courses, otherwise we will not be able to provide for our family (both my husband and I work full time with Udemy courses). The vast majority of students ask for basic courses like Trigonometry, Calculus 1+2, basic Linear Algebra.
I understand that it probably is disappointing…
Kind regards,
hi Hania
yes I understand your desire to take the time to create as many courses as possible, but “Matrix Decompositions, and Tensors and Multilinearity”, I think you just need to add a section with these advanced problems, I think it doesn’t take too long to finish recording the lecture because only a small problem is added, while to have this we have to wait when all the calculus and precalculus courses are completed, that will take 1 to 1.5 year, really we will have a long wait.
Thanks Hania
Dear Hania
if the amount of knowledge in these matters is large enough, you should separate to do an “advanced linear algerbra” course, i will buy the course to support as soon as it is released, the calculus 3 courses sell slowly not because learners don’t want to learn but because they haven’t studied calculus 1 , 2 so one can’t learn calculus 3. Even though I have to wait a long time, I will still wait.
Thanks Hania so much
Dear Hania
if the amount of knowledge in these matters is large enough, you should separate to do an “advanced linear algerbra” course, i will buy the course to support you as soon as it is released, the calculus 3 courses sell slowly not because learners don’t want to learn but because they haven’t studied calculus 1 , 2 so one can’t learn calculus 3. Even though I have to wait a long time, I will still wait.
Thanks Hania so much
Dear My Kun,
Thank you for your kind support! I appreciate it.
Great idea! I will probably create a new course, indeed (Advanced Linear Algebra), as the existing courses are about 50h each already… (LAG1 and LAG2 are “All levels”, while LAG3 is “Intermediate”; then “LA Advanced” would be a kind of a nice closure 🙂 )
Also great insight about the slow rate of enrolments into Calc 3. This could be a reason… One more reason to concentrate on completing the Precalculus series, and proceeding with Calc1+2 directly afterwards!
Kind regards,
Hello Hania! Hope You are doing great!
I have started to study your course (Precalculus 1).
In the second section (Numbers and Arithmetic) Video 1 (1. Quite informally about the need for introducing new number types, from N to C) You introduced zero as a natural number. Was this a mistake or is it up to us to include zero in natural numbers or not?
Hello Ali,
Thank you for this question.
No, it is not a mistake; zero is a natural number. I follow the so called Peano axiom system, which clearly states that 0 is the first natural number:
You can read about this subject here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_number — nowadays a majority of mathematicians consider zero as the first natural number, and some others follow this “old tradition” of starting natural numbers with 1, so your concern is definitely valid.
Kind regards,
PS. If you have mathematical questions like this one, please, use the QA on Udemy, so that all the other students also can see them, and my answers.
Dear Hania!
Thank you for your time and response.
Unfortunately in many books that I read (even new editions), they all exclude 0 from natural numbers.
I searched about this, and interestingly they all claim that zero is not a natural number (depending on the “old tradition”).
Dear Ali,
You are welcome!
Actually, the only situation when you could get into trouble including (or not including) zero to the set of natural numbers is the exams at the university.
So my advice is:
1. If you are in this situation, just find out what your teachers think about this issue, and follow their lead.
2. In other situations, just be clear if you communicate your work to the others. You can always refer to “your” numbers as positive / non-negative integers, and then you avoid taking stands about belonging or not belonging to the club of natural numbers (for zero).
I have always followed Peano, and I will continue until I get a very good reason not to do this any more.
Kind regards,