Udemy very often has sales during which you can get all courses for a very low price. If you don’t see these low prices (in the range of $10-$15 usually), you can get a really good price by using our coupon code during checkout on Udemy.
Our codes change every month, but they’re always built the same way. For instance, for March 2022, the code for all our courses is “TPOT_MAR22”. For April, it will be “TPOT_APR22”, and so on.
The optimal strategy is to use our referral link you’ll find on the different course pages on our site and if the price seems high, i.e. above $10-$15, try adding a coupon code as described above during checkout on Udemy.
The current code is: TPOT_MAR25. The code is valid for exactly 30 days, so around the end of the month, it may not work for a day or two. If you want to try out the direct referral link, which could sometimes give a slightly lower price than the current general code, here is the list with the codes for each course already in the link:
- Precalculus 1: Basic notions
- Precalculus 2: Polynomials and rational functions
- Precalculus 3: Trigonometry
- Precalculus 4: Exponentials and logarithms
- Linear Algebra and Geometry 1
- Linear Algebra and Geometry 2
- Linear Algebra and Geometry 3
- Calculus 1, part 1 of 2: Limits and continuity
- Calculus 1, part 2 of 2: Derivatives with applications
- Calculus 2, part 1 of 2: Integrals with applications
- Calculus 3, part 1 of 2: Multivariable Calculus
- Calculus 3, part 2 of 2: Sequences and Series