Finally, we have released the first part of Calculus 2. You can find it on Udemy (our referral code is included in the link). If that price seems high, try using our coupon code at checkout: TPOT_MAR25. This code changes in a very predictable manner every month.
Calculus 2, part 1 of 2 on Udemy
You can see the extensive outline, including all the problems that are solved in the course here:
The blog was just a bit late since Calculus 2 Part 1 has already been in Udemy for several days.
I just bought it several days ago.
Looking forward to see Calculus 2 Part 2.
Yes, you’re right. I had some technical problems with the blog. Thanks for buying it anyway!
Could i know what topics will be covered in discrete mathematics course 1 ?
And what will be you will depend on ?
Thanks in advance
Hania hasn’t decided yet on the contents.