New course images
We had to change all our course images on Udemy due to (I think) new rules. All those math symbols weren't acceptable, so we had to make the images really simple. Probably for the best, I have to admit. Old images to the left, new images to the right.
New course: Precalculus 1 (out of 4), Basic notions
Our new course on Udemy has been published on January the 31st, 2022. The link will lead you to the course with "current best price" in your region. If the price is too high, try applying our coupon code TPOT_FEB22 in February 2022 (and later TPOT_MAR22 in March,...
Hania on distance teaching in mathematics
In this 10-minutes long video I (Hania) tell you about my journey from the classroom, via Zoom, to recording courses and publishing them online. In the video I speak Swedish, but there are subtitles in English and in Polish. In this video you can see my work place....
Linear Algebra and Geometry 3
Our new course on Udemy has been published on October the 21st, 2021. The link will lead you to the course with "current best price" in your region. If the price is too high, try applying our coupon code TPOT_OCT21 in October 2021 (and later TPOT_NOV21 in November,...
Linear Algebra and Geometry 2
Our new course on Udemy has been published on July the 25th, 2021. The link will lead you to the course with "current best price" in your region. If the price is too high, try applying our coupon code TPOT_OCT21 in October 2021 (and later TPOT_NOV21 in November,...
Linear Algebra and Geometry 1
Hania has now published the first part of Linear Algebra and Geometry on Udemy. The link above gives you current best price in your region. We have coupon codes that gives you a low price regardless of the current price on Udemy, which varies a lot depending on...
Calculus 3, part 2 of 2
We are producing course material for mathematics at university and college level. Hania is our math artist, and she's teaching at university in Sweden. This is the second part of our first course and we published the first part...
Calculus 3, part 1 of 2
We are producing course material for mathematics at university and college level. Hania is our math artist, and she's teaching at university in Sweden. This is our first course and we published it in August 2020 on